Thursday, May 17, 2007


I’m looking at Les grands reportages on Radio-Canada (Sunday 5th, 2007) and it’s about biometrics. Now you need to know that biometrics are about using parts of your body for identification (ID).

Companies like Sagem Défense Sécurité , who specialize in biometrics, especially in Arabia, uses all kinds of body parts to identify a person. It could be an eye, a fingerprint, or even blood fluid.

I do realize this could be good for big companies as a part of their security system, especially companies who specialize in nuclear products. I also realized that it could be something good for places where there is no way or should I say services for identifying people. In Ethiopia, for example, where there is no services to identify people, biometrics can be good.

Ethically speaking, is it right? Could biometrics gone too far? In a privacy perspective, where does it stop?

As my IT teacher used to say, ethical does not mean right or wrong!


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